Want to train as a Connections Link Life Senior Ambassador?

Train the Trainer places are now available

The Purpose of Connections Link Life

Connections Link Life is a Suicide Prevention & Intervention Curriculum. It is unique in that it is entirely focused on creating a transformational learning experience for those who engage with the Connections Link Life course through our highest held values; CONNECTION, HUMANITY & HOPE. The model is created in the context of trauma growth and focuses on bringing about attitudinal change, positive behavioural change, hope & healing. The Connections Link Life Curriculum HELPS SAVE LIVES.

A flexible curriculum for a diverse population

The curriculum can be offered as a single programme or delivered over a number of smaller sessions. The curriculum can also be delivered through adopting a range of approved methodologies. This approach empowers Senior Ambassadors to engage and meet the unique needs of different learners in order to bring about meaningful change.

Past, Present & Future Support for Connections Link Life

The delivery of this curriculum has proved exceptionally successful. An external evaluation carried out with the Public Health Agency NI (PHA) was implemented to robustly test its impact over a 2-yr period and this report highlighted; the strong evidence base for the programme content, good governance in programme delivery structures, adherence to best practice and quality delivery standards and many hugely positive impacts for learners, workplaces and communities.

Since then this suicide prevention & intervention curriculum has been supported by the PHA to assist them in meeting unmet need for easily accessible training that inspires help seeking and saves lives locally.

Connections Link Life is now well established in all the Health & Social Care Trust Areas in Northern Ireland. Early adopters include EA FLARE team, Extern, Health & Social Care Trusts and the Public Health Agency NI and by March 2020 300 sessions had been delivered province wide in Northern Ireland. In the first year of the pandemic the charity Fresh Minds Education felt morally obliged to serve local people in their greatest time of need, particularly in the absence of other training being offered. Despite its own pressures, The charity devoted itself entirely to translating this curriculum for online engagement. The curriculum very quickly was adopted by services and the population reached 1500 individuals online in its first year alone.

The focus for the next phase of this work is to establish an enthusiastic, professional team of Senior Ambassadors who are able to cascade this curriculum locally. We are delighted to finally be in a position to offer Connections Link Life Training of Trainers to individuals, organisations and businesses who want to proactively save mores lives.

The Senior Ambassador Training Pathway

1. Attend a full Connections Link Life programme

2. Complete the Connections Link Life T4T Application

3. Attend a half day 1-1 training with an experienced Senior Lead Ambassador (Location TBC)

4. Complete the online Professional Competency Builder (PCB) Course

5. Deliver Two full connections link life programmes within One year. The second time you deliver the programme you will be observed by a Senior Lead Ambassador to become an approved Connections Link Life Senior Ambassador.