• 🐘 Meet Nellie: Your Companion in the Journey of Hope 🐘 In the battle against despair, we need a symbol of strength, empathy, and unwavering support. That's where Nellie comes in – the heart and soul of Connections, our suicide prevention initiative. 🐘 A Symbol of Resilience: Nellie, our gentle elephant mascot, represents the resilience and strength we all possess, even in our darkest moments. With her comforting presence, she reminds us that we're never alone in our struggles. 🐘 Breaking the Silence: Nellie isn't just a mascot; she's a beacon of hope, encouraging open conversations about mental health and suicide prevention. By breaking the silence and stigma surrounding these issues, she helps us build a community of understanding and support. 🐘 Empowering Change: Through educational programs, outreach initiatives, and awareness campaigns, Nellie empowers individuals and communities to recognize the signs of distress, reach out for help, and provide vital support to those in need. 🐘 A Lifeline of Hope: Whether you're struggling with your own mental health or supporting a loved one in crisis, Nellie is here to remind you that there is always hope. Together, we can create a world where every voice is heard, and every life is valued. Join Nellie and the Connections family in the fight against suicide. Together, we can make a difference, one connection at a time. Let Nellie be your guide on the journey of hope.
  • Patchouli 15ml

    £32.00 inc. VAT
    Patchouli is a bushy herb from the mint family with stems reaching two or three feet in height and bearing small, pink-white flowers. Easily recognized for its rich, muskysweet fragrance, Patchouli is regularly used in the perfume industry as well as in scented products such as laundry detergents and air fresheners. Patchouli is beneficial to the skin in many ways. It is often used topically to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and minor skin imperfections and to promote a smooth, glowing complexion.


    • Combine with Peppermint and apply to the forehead, temples, or back of the neck after a long day of work.
    • Apply one to two drops to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, or problem skin areas, or add to your favorite moisturizer.
    • Combine with Vetiver and apply to the bottoms of feet.

    Directions for Use

    Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. Internal use: Dilute one drop in four fluid ounces of liquid. Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil l to minimize any skin sensitivity.


    Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
  • P.O.A - Please email enquiries@freshmindseducation.com for a quote for your school.

    Click here to find out more about the Paws-4-Thought Programme “Doodling… Learning in Disguise” Resilience & Wellbeing Programme for Classes & Groups An Ideal, ready-to-go, off-the-shelf programme for a teachers or leaders looking for simple creative and innovated ways to engage young people in regular mindfulness, self-reflection and creative self-expression. The physical journal for teens and pre-recorded content and instructional videos make this a perfect hands-on and interactive package for teachers looking to incorporate regular wellbeing into the classroom. The growth mindset quotes have been purposefully written to: 
    • Cultivate curiosity
    • Encourage self-expression
    • Evoke emotional release &
    • Reframe negative thinking
    The purpose of the doodle journal This journal enables teachers to build regular mindful moments into the school day.  The activities help teachers connect with their young people, support young people to connect with one another and connect with themselves.  Regular, incremental mindful practice through paws-4-thought will help reduce the impacts of stress and increase creativity and focus. Why journal or doodle with teens? Journaling and Doodling is something that we can all benefit from and we all should do it regularly because it is very beneficial.  The regular act of journaling through doodling or writing;
    • Achieves the benefits of mindfulness
    • Regulates the nervous system
    • Reduces stress hormones in your body promoting calmness and relaxation which in turn can relieve pain, overwhelm, anxiousness and worry
    • Opens up the subconscious mind and aids the release of emotion held in memory
    • Loosen up hand muscles
    • Increase focus, attention span & concentration
    • Frees up short and long-term memory so memory will improve
    • Aids the retention of ideas and concepts
    • Increases creativity & self-expression
    What the Paws 4 Thought Package includes:
    • 30 x Paws-4-Thought Journals for your class or group
    • 30 x Paws-4-Thought Pens for your class or group
    • Access to the Paws-4-Thought Leaders Website with Paws-4-Thought Curriculum
    What’s on the Paws-4-Thought Leaders Website?
    • Instructions and guidelines for implementing a 30-day Paws-4-Thought programme in the classroom
    • Introductory videos by Fresh Minds Artists and Teachers inspiring young people to engage with the methods and the resource
    • x30 innovative Paws-4-Thought mindful doodle & journal challenges presented as audio, video, illustration or written instruction.
    • Facilitative instruction for teachers
    • A number of downloadable printable templates enabling teachers to get going quickly
  • These stickers are perfect for reinforcing learning, praising and helping children feel special. They can be used to celebrate effort and the positive affirmation set will help children form positive personal beliefs.  Designed by children for children these stickers are sure to impress. Supplied in packs of 180 - Six sets off each design
    • I Belong x 30
    • I Am Strong x 30
    • I Am Beautiful x 30
    • I Try New Things x 30
    • I Am One of a Kind x 30
    • I Love My Life x 30
  • ✨ Elegance with Purpose: The Dainty Amber Bracelet ✨ Indulge in the beauty of this dainty amber bracelet while making a meaningful difference in the lives of bereaved children. With each purchase, a portion of the proceeds goes towards supporting programs and services dedicated to helping children navigate the difficult journey of grief and loss. 🌟 This bracelet features unique hues and patterns, making each piece a one-of-a-kind treasure. Its delicate design adds a touch of elegance to any outfit, perfect for both casual and formal occasions. 🌟 Your contribution goes beyond owning a beautiful piece of jewelry; it provides essential support to children who have experienced the profound loss of a loved one. By purchasing this bracelet, you're helping to fund grief counseling, therapy sessions, and other vital resources that empower children to cope with their emotions and find hope in difficult times. 🌟 Whether for yourself or a loved one, this bracelet is a thoughtful reminder of the power of compassion and generosity. By wearing it, you carry with you the shared mission of supporting bereaved children and spreading love and healing in the world. Embrace elegance with purpose with our dainty AMBER bracelet and join us in making a positive impact in the lives of bereaved children. Together, we can bring comfort, healing, and hope to those who need it most.
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