• Price Inc delivery & Exc VAT

    Fresh Little Minds Relax & Regulate Signature Educational Resource Sack is an  ideal accompaniment to our Relax & Regulate programme!  Full of really useful items to use with the programme, its a great way to bring your classroom and community centre to life.   The Signature AMBER Sack   This sack with its draw strings is the perfect sack for keeping together all of the props that you will gather up and use in relation to this work in one easy to reach spot. Perfect to hang up on a hook in your classroom or community centre.  The sack contains; Bamber  Amber is the Fresh Little Minds therapeutic puppet used in the delivery of our programmes.  During the pandemic children could no longer spend time with Amber, and so Amber had baby puppies lovingly known as bAMBER.  As Bamber is much smaller more people could have the benefits of AMBER but at an affordable price. Bamber is now being used in Fresh Little Minds Relax & Regulate Programmes in schools and community settings across the country.   Educators will bring bAMBER out into the classroom setting during the delivery of Relax & Regulate and bAMBER will often live in the Amber Sack or another special place designed by the leader or children in between sessions.   Many schools have now provided children with their very own Bamber who provides calming, cuddles and comfort and reminds children to use theAMBER techniques if worried, sad, or scared!  Bamber comes complete with its very own label, a Bamber printed ribbon collar and a 16 page, A6 passport.  No ordinary passport, the Bamber’s passport is a complete educational resource in itself.  It contains a ‘Teddy Certificate’ and a children will enjoy working their way through the passport pages  and in doing so, embedthe Amber approach.  A3 Golden Rules Poster  The Fresh Little Minds Golden Rules Poster has been created to cultivate trauma responsive practice. The poster consolidates key teachings of more than 14 scientific, phycological, evolutionary and neuroscience theories into a series of simple, easy to follow, pragmatic instructions for adults, written in plain English.  Put most simply the golden rules give all adults involved in the lives of children practical ways of being with children that will enhance relationships and the poster goes one step further by giving a plain English explanation as to why that rule matters in order to support the developmental, nurture and learning needs of children. The Golden Rules embody the AMBER approach.   AMBER Intervention Cards for educators  These A5 cards are perfectly laid out for educators looking for self-lead coaching to incorporate the AMBER model into their group work.   Each card outlines a simple rationale of each of the AMBER steps, Anchor, Move, Breathe, Express and Relax.   The ‘Ask Yourself’ section then coaches the reader to self-reflect. The Action section is intentionally left blank to enable the reader to write up a practical action that they will take in relation to implementing that element of the model.  AMBER ICON set  Five colourful cards, each card showing one of the AMBER approach icons – Anchor, Move, Breathe, Express and Relax.  The icons are all colour coded and we have found many children respond to the consistency in our use of colour in relation to specific elements of the learning. Wonderful discussion starters and reminders of the AMBER steps to wellbeing, positive mental health and resilience.   Emoji Card Set   A box set of 56 Emoji cards containing a variety of “Tricky Feelings” and “Feel Good Feelings” these cards are visual aids for educators supporting children to recognise, name and express their emotions.  Cultivating emotional literacy and communication.   AMBER Soul Songs Music Album  Enjoy this beautiful music full of positive messages which help children dance, have fun, and relax.  Through this music your children learn different ways to help their bodies cope and feel calm. Each song shapes children’s minds and is jammed packed with positive messages that help children thrive.  The Album contains some of the music that you will hear played within the Relax & Regulate Programme.    Medicine Moves A5 Card Set   This card set illustrates a sequence of breath work and movement that has been created to be used alongside the Fresh Little Minds meditation song ‘Strong Like A Mountain’. Loved by children this song incorporates, belly breathing, rhythmic breathing, collective flow movements and stretches.  There are a series of affirmations built into this card set and children love to recite these as they are learning the meaning of the song.  The metaphors of nature are used to help children understand themselves more fully, their magnificence and their importance.  These exercises are perfect for groups, families, classrooms and events.  Mindfulness - Movement - Breathwork - Positive Affirmation - Boosts Self-Acceptance   Sphere   We use fidget toys and props during the programme to add interest, offer a sensory experience and encourage children to have a visceral rather than a cognitive experience.  The sphere is used to play group games with and can be used by that person who needs that stimulus to take part.  It is often used in breath work mimicking the belly or the lungs.  This is a great tool for educators to lead, teach and model intentional breathwork.   Flower Windmill   We like to use visual stimulus during our programme delivery, it can help support the participation of children offering them something to interact and work with.  Flowers and windmills are recognisable by children, so they rarely are distracted by these items but due to their colourful nature they are engaging and send out a visual cue of a call to action around intentional breathwork. The educator will use the flower and windmill to demonstrate, teach and test children’s skill level during breathwork teaching sessions.   Relax Children’s Kit (Hard Copy)  All of the Fresh Little Minds Programmes boast high quality educational and therapeutic products to support children’s engagement, encourage meaningful communication and embed learning.   The children’s participant kit for Relax & Regulate is downloadable but this is a hard copy for the educator to use.  The bright and beautiful A3 Poster can take pride of place on the learning space wall, something to refer to as the weeks pass by.   Self-Care Essential oil and instruction notelet for teacher  Self-Care: A Balance 10ml roller ball for use on pulse points with instruction and self-care notelet presented in an organza gift bag. Balance blend supplied but any blend can be supplied upon request. Class Essential oils aromatherapy spray and instruction notelet Essential Oil Pillow Spray in Refillable Glass Bottle, with instructions for use and presented in an organza gift bag.  The Air Blend is supplied based upon the overwhelming positive response by children over many years of research and observation of popular blends.     Voucher for use in the Fresh Minds shop  Enjoy using this voucher on any of the items for sale in the FME shop.   YOU MAY ALSO LIKE…  Classroom Rewards: Colouring books, bookmarks, poster, stickers,    Coming Soon:  We are getting ready to publish our children’s therapeutic and educational stories.  
  • Precious Memories Pack

    £40.00 inc. VAT
    Treasure Memories, Find Comfort: Bereavement Memory Boxes 🌟 🕊️ Cherished Remembrance: Our memory boxes provide a special place to honor your loved one with photos, letters, and keepsakes. 🕊️ Personalized Tribute: Customize your box with engraved details, making it a heartfelt tribute to their memory. 🕊️ Healing Sanctuary: Fill your box with tokens of remembrance, finding comfort in cherished memories during your grieving journey. 🕊️ Meaningful Gift: Give the gift of comfort and support to a grieving friend or family member with our bereavement memory boxes. Embrace healing and celebrate a life well-lived with our Bereavement Memory Boxes.
    If you would like to purchase numerous products, email hello@freshmindseducation.com with your contact details and someone will get back to you to organise your order discount.
  • Support a bereaved family of parents and children.
  • Packaged for you in larger quantities, ideal for Schools, youth clubs, church groups and distributing through family networks!  These are unbeatable value. Sold in Boxes of 100 - DISCOUNT APPLIED IN SHOP CART
    1 Box 2-5 Box 6-10 Boxes 11-30 Boxes Postage & Packing
    Box of 100 £120 £120 £120 £110 +P&P
    Per Book £1.20 £1.20 £1.20 £1.10 +P&P
  • If you are looking for a great way for families to connect and spend some time together on mindful activities – the Strong Like A Mountain Resource for Mindful Kids is ideal! What’s in The Strong Like A Mountain Resource for Mindful Kids
    • 21cm x 21cm Nature themed colouring book themed on the Fresh Minds Song ‘Strong Like A Mountain’
    • Strong Like A Mountain Positive Affirmations throughout
    • Link to Private Website Page with teaching video of Strong Like A Mountain and other downloadable resources related to the themes of mindfulness – we are currently uploading some Take 5 themed activities
  • Positivity Journal

    £12.00 inc. VAT
    Prepare to discover your inner optimist with this collection of simple tips for banishing the dark clouds and focusing on the good. Bursting with uplifting statements and inspirational quotes to get you looking on the bright side, this book will endow you with the powers of positivity and help you to become your happiest self.
  • Fresh Little Minds Displays always look bright, beautiful and eye catching with our unique and vibrant Positive Words Table Cover. Make your mark! Be seen! Attract Business. 100cm x 100cm Vibrant Canvas printed with the signature Fresh Minds Positive Vibe Design and a mix of Positive Words, guaranteed to attract attention, increase foot fall and create a talking point.
  • The positive paw print card set aims to educate and create resilience in a creative format
  • These stickers are perfect for reinforcing learning, praising and helping children feel special. They can be used to celebrate effort and the positive affirmation set will help children form positive personal beliefs.  Designed by children for children these stickers are sure to impress. Supplied in packs of 180 - Six sets off each design
    • I Belong x 30
    • I Am Strong x 30
    • I Am Beautiful x 30
    • I Try New Things x 30
    • I Am One of a Kind x 30
    • I Love My Life x 30
  • Pocket Contact Cards

    £13.14 inc. VAT
    Pack of 100 Pocket Size Helpful Contacts for Mental Health Card.
  • Paws4Thought Pen

    £1.20 inc. VAT
    Like to doodle real or imagined animals? Go ahead! Fantasy cityscapes? Do it! Words and Letters? Make your mark! Random patterns; swirly or geometric? Be our guest! Of course, if doodling isn’t your thing, use your pen to record your thoughts, feelings, ideas or even poems and that next big film script! Encourage your pen to wander. Drawing and mark making is a proven way of helping you relax and be in the moment, so #Paws4Thought and connect with your creative side.
  • Enjoy your #Paws4Thought book, ready to be filled with whatever comes to mind! Like to doodle real or imagined animals? Go ahead! Fantasy cityscapes? Do it! Words and Letters? Make your mark! Random patterns; swirly or geometric? Be our guest! Of course, if doodling isn’t your thing, use the book to record your thoughts, feelings, ideas or even poems and that next big film script! At the bottom of each page are inspiring quotes that will encourage your pen to wander. Drawing and mark making is a proven way of helping you relax and be in the moment, so #Paws4Thought and connect with your creative side.
  • P.O.A - Please email enquiries@freshmindseducation.com for a quote for your school.

    Click here to find out more about the Paws-4-Thought Programme “Doodling… Learning in Disguise” Resilience & Wellbeing Programme for Classes & Groups An Ideal, ready-to-go, off-the-shelf programme for a teachers or leaders looking for simple creative and innovated ways to engage young people in regular mindfulness, self-reflection and creative self-expression. The physical journal for teens and pre-recorded content and instructional videos make this a perfect hands-on and interactive package for teachers looking to incorporate regular wellbeing into the classroom. The growth mindset quotes have been purposefully written to: 
    • Cultivate curiosity
    • Encourage self-expression
    • Evoke emotional release &
    • Reframe negative thinking
    The purpose of the doodle journal This journal enables teachers to build regular mindful moments into the school day.  The activities help teachers connect with their young people, support young people to connect with one another and connect with themselves.  Regular, incremental mindful practice through paws-4-thought will help reduce the impacts of stress and increase creativity and focus. Why journal or doodle with teens? Journaling and Doodling is something that we can all benefit from and we all should do it regularly because it is very beneficial.  The regular act of journaling through doodling or writing;
    • Achieves the benefits of mindfulness
    • Regulates the nervous system
    • Reduces stress hormones in your body promoting calmness and relaxation which in turn can relieve pain, overwhelm, anxiousness and worry
    • Opens up the subconscious mind and aids the release of emotion held in memory
    • Loosen up hand muscles
    • Increase focus, attention span & concentration
    • Frees up short and long-term memory so memory will improve
    • Aids the retention of ideas and concepts
    • Increases creativity & self-expression
    What the Paws 4 Thought Package includes:
    • 30 x Paws-4-Thought Journals for your class or group
    • 30 x Paws-4-Thought Pens for your class or group
    • Access to the Paws-4-Thought Leaders Website with Paws-4-Thought Curriculum
    What’s on the Paws-4-Thought Leaders Website?
    • Instructions and guidelines for implementing a 30-day Paws-4-Thought programme in the classroom
    • Introductory videos by Fresh Minds Artists and Teachers inspiring young people to engage with the methods and the resource
    • x30 innovative Paws-4-Thought mindful doodle & journal challenges presented as audio, video, illustration or written instruction.
    • Facilitative instruction for teachers
    • A number of downloadable printable templates enabling teachers to get going quickly
  • Patchouli 15ml

    £32.00 inc. VAT
    Patchouli is a bushy herb from the mint family with stems reaching two or three feet in height and bearing small, pink-white flowers. Easily recognized for its rich, muskysweet fragrance, Patchouli is regularly used in the perfume industry as well as in scented products such as laundry detergents and air fresheners. Patchouli is beneficial to the skin in many ways. It is often used topically to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, and minor skin imperfections and to promote a smooth, glowing complexion.


    • Combine with Peppermint and apply to the forehead, temples, or back of the neck after a long day of work.
    • Apply one to two drops to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, or problem skin areas, or add to your favorite moisturizer.
    • Combine with Vetiver and apply to the bottoms of feet.

    Directions for Use

    Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. Internal use: Dilute one drop in four fluid ounces of liquid. Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil l to minimize any skin sensitivity.


    Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
  • The gift of comfort, reassurance and tailored information for the age of the child and circumstances of death. This Support Set provides comfort, connection & the right guidance at the right time. It helps bereaved parents hold onto hope whilst they support their child through grief.
  • OnGuard 15ml

    £37.67 inc. VAT
    As one of doTERRA's most popular blends, doTERRA On Guard has incredible uses and benefits. When taken internally on a daily basis, doTERRA On Guard supports your immune system's natural functions. With its unique aroma, On Guard offers a fragrant, natural, and effective alternative to synthetic options. Ingest via a beverage of your choice or mix with your favourite dessert recipe for a nutritious twist.
  • 🐘 Meet Nellie: Your Companion in the Journey of Hope 🐘 In the battle against despair, we need a symbol of strength, empathy, and unwavering support. That's where Nellie comes in – the heart and soul of Connections, our suicide prevention initiative. 🐘 A Symbol of Resilience: Nellie, our gentle elephant mascot, represents the resilience and strength we all possess, even in our darkest moments. With her comforting presence, she reminds us that we're never alone in our struggles. 🐘 Breaking the Silence: Nellie isn't just a mascot; she's a beacon of hope, encouraging open conversations about mental health and suicide prevention. By breaking the silence and stigma surrounding these issues, she helps us build a community of understanding and support. 🐘 Empowering Change: Through educational programs, outreach initiatives, and awareness campaigns, Nellie empowers individuals and communities to recognize the signs of distress, reach out for help, and provide vital support to those in need. 🐘 A Lifeline of Hope: Whether you're struggling with your own mental health or supporting a loved one in crisis, Nellie is here to remind you that there is always hope. Together, we can create a world where every voice is heard, and every life is valued. Join Nellie and the Connections family in the fight against suicide. Together, we can make a difference, one connection at a time. Let Nellie be your guide on the journey of hope.
  • The 'My Rainbow Life' Worksheet allows you to match up a feeling, action or emotion with association of colours.
  • Mood Matters Tear Pad

    £2.50 inc. VAT
    A daily check in on how you feel because YOUR MOOD MATTERS! Did you know that feelings are not thoughts and that they can live anywhere inside of your body! Its totally possible to not know how you feel but to notice where you feel it! Most feelings will have a colour too, notice what colour your feelings are and where they are hiding out inside of your body and then think about how you might AMBER to make your body feel oh so much better!
  • Mind Matters Badge Set

    £3.50 inc. VAT
    Your very own limited edition set of Mind Matters Badges to pin on jumpers, coats, pencil cases, teddies or bags! These Badges each carry a different theme including. • Free To Be Me Badge • Brighter Days, Badge • Hug Badge • You’re A Star Badge Powerful positive messages and reminders for children to support a sense of wellbeing, confidence and belonging.
  • Milknote Boxes

    £2.50 inc. VAT
    The perfect gift for the note takers and list writers of the world! These post-its are a beautiful token gift for all ages, genders and people
  • Little Boxes of Self Care for Anchors 🎁 Whether it’s to show your appreciation for the dedicated teachers, classroom assistants and school staff who have made a difference in your children’s lives this school year or for cherished family members or friends to show how much you care, these thoughtful Anchor Self-Care Boxes are the ideal gift to say “thank you” while also making a positive impact. 💝 Each box is a carefully curated sanctuary of self-care, filled with delightful and relaxing treats to help unwind, recharge, and feel anchored amidst life’s storms. For only £12, you’ll be treating every recipient to a tranquil moment while supporting children and young people experiencing bereavement or emotional distress. 💐 Inside each Anchor Self-Care Box: 🧼 Beautiful butterfly soap for a luxurious daily routine (Vegan) ❤️ Love Hearts to remind them how cherished they are 📝 Personalised thank you card to express your gratitude 📖 Heartfelt poem guiding them on self-care practices 🔖 Unique origami bookmarks for marking favourite pages 💋 Brighter Days lip balm to keep their smiles bright 📓 Charming mini notebook for jotting down thoughts 🛀 Soothing bath salts for relaxation after a long school year ⚓️Beautiful silver anchor key ring 🧘Wash worries away mediation mp3 📖Handmade book mark 🎉Sprinkle of Joy confetti ☀️In our signature A5 sunshine postal box Give the gift of relaxation while extending a lifeline to those in need. With every purchase, you’re investing in the well-being of educators, friends and family, and spreading kindness to children navigating difficult times. 🌈 Surprise the cherished people in your life with a gift they’ll truly treasure. Order the Little Boxes of Self Care for Anchors today and be a part of something meaningful. 💜
  • Connect with your inner self using our little box of connection.
    • 'Whats Behind My Muddled Mind' scratch card activity
    • ' I Move Energy' Image
    • 'Get It Out' pad
    • Breathe Card
    • Self-Care Bookmark
    • Mini Colouring Pencils
    • Go Zen creative art workbook
    • Kindness Conquers All Card
    • 'I Love Writing ' pencil
  • Lime 15ml

    £16.00 inc. VAT
    Cold-pressed from the peel of fresh limes, doTERRA Lime essential oil is refreshing and energisingin both aroma and taste. Limes are frequently used in entrées and beverages for their fresh, citrus flavour. Lime is also known for its ability to uplift, balance, and energise. Due to its high limonene content, Lime is often found in facial and body cleansers for its cleansing properties and uplifting scent. Click here for more information.
  • Out of stock

    Price Inc delivery & Exc VAT


      The Candle of Connection is brought to you as part of our Light Up With Amber Collection with powerful messaging around the themes of Light & Connection. The Light Up With Amber Collection is created based upon the ‘hygge principal’ which comes from Denmark the happiest nation in the world.  Through the warm Amber glow you can experience comfort and cosiness. Light Up with Amber: The Gift of Connection includes:
    • Candle of Connection: This hand poured 'candle of connection' has been lovingly hand made from natural and powerful ingredients that are kind for you and the planet.  The bright and uplifting essential oils blend of Lemon, Basil and Eucalyptus has been chosen because of the benefits to focus & energise, relieve tension and encourage positive thinking, all of which are conditions for connection with self and others.
    • Little Book 'On Light': This little book will guide you through the story of Light.  You will learn how to use your candle to reassure and comfort yourself, quieten your mind, increase relaxation and increase personal feelings of happiness.     You will learn how the essential oils included nurture positive feelings that will supercharge your inner bright light to shine for all to see.  Perfect for studying, planning, turning around negative self-talk, relieving tension and relaxing.
    • The candle will be presented in its very own gift box.

    Cost includes postage to UK Address.

    We have worked hard to ensure that all of our products are safe and potential hazards are minimised but please note that the contents of this box are not toys and not suitable for children under 6.   There are small parts which could cause a choking hazard & strangulation if given to children, and candles can pose fire hazards so handle with care and never give to children of unsuitable age or unsupervised.
  • "Kindness conquers all" This pack contains 5 x Fresh Minds Education signature kindness cards. A6 card and envelope perfect for any occasion.
  • Kind Minds Shine Bright

    £10.00 inc. VAT
    After a year of exams, homework and remote learning the shine bright box was born as a token of acknowledgment for the hard work our young people have undertook during the pandemic. For many children, leaving school is an incredibly stressful experience and this gift is a reminder to always shine their light on their new path of life at a new school. This lovely gift includes:
    • 2 rainbow tattoos,
    • 2 small pots of slime,
    • A rainbow wristband,
    • A rainbow pencil,
    • And a hand poured candle with the scent of fizzy sweets. Made with all natural ingredients and locally sourced.
  • Kids Minds Matter Pack

    £22.20 inc. VAT

    Price Inc delivery & Exc VAT

    Kids Minds Matter Gift Pack

    Here we are in the middle of a global pandemic and none of us adults really know what it’s like to be a kid right now!  When we listen to them, we hear that their inner world has been shaken, whether they are younger and don’t have much contact with friends or the older ones preparing for transition to a new school! Each age group has their own sense making to do and when supported to regulate little and often the impact of all of this will be lessened and children will continue to be well and flourish in life.   At Fresh Minds Education we know children need supported to regulate, so we have put together this little Kids Minds Matter Gift Pack to help children process what they are feeling, recognise their inner strengths and regulate their nervous system. We hope that you enjoy bringing these thoughtful and useful resources to the Little Minds in your life. Have fun and enjoy! Click Here For a Full Description of What's in The Box!
  • The Introductory Kit includes a 5 mL bottle of dōTERRA's CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint essential oils. The newly designed, stunning presentation box also includes suggested uses of the included oils providing your prospects with an immediate experience of the life-changing benefits of essential oils.
    Click here to find out more about Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint essential oils.
  • I Love Writing Pencils

    £20.00 inc. VAT
    'I Love To Write' pencil in a pack of 50
  • Hot chocolate Spoons

    £3.00 inc. VAT
    ☕️ Perfect Kindness Hot Chocolate: Sip with Purpose ☕️ Indulge in comfort and compassion with our decadent hot chocolate, knowing that every purchase supports bereaved children on their healing journey. 🍫 Delicious Comfort: Made with premium cocoa, it's a treat for your taste buds and your heart. 🌟 Supporting Healing: Your purchase contributes to vital support services for grieving children and families. 🎁 Meaningful Gift: Give the gift of warmth and kindness to someone you care about. Savor every sip knowing you're making a difference in the lives of those in need.
  • Help us support a parent to speak to their child about death and dying in a way that promotes safety, connection and reassurance.
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